Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bieber 911 Call Creates Panic and Danger in His Life, Why?

Justin Bieber 911 Call Creates Panic and Danger in His Life, Why?

After what police thought as another case of overspeeding, Justin Bieber whom police asked to pulled over for driving 80 mph on an L.A. Freeway last week aboard his $100,000 Fisker Karma sports car, said he was being pursued recklessly on a freeway by paparazzi.

The young superstar also reportedly placed a call on 911 using the name Justin Johnson complaining that police were "not nice" when they pulled him over earlier that day and ticketed him for exceeding the speed limit.

Bieber was quoted telling 911 dispatcher:

"They're driving really reckless - they just will not stop following me.

"I have, like, five cars following me, um, on the freeway. They just will not stop following me."

"I was driving fast so that I could try to get away from them and I got pulled over myself. When I explained to the police officers, they were being, like, not nice about it. They were just like, 'You waive your rights to privacy when you're a celebrity. But that makes absolutely no sense when they're the ones being dangerous."

"The police told me if they kept following me to call again. They're the ones that are driving reckless and I'm just trying to, like, not have them be on my tail."

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