Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rihanna on Gucci "Tattoo Heart Collection" Commercial

Check out Rihanna�s new commercial for Gucci!

Gucci creative director Frida Giannini has said, �I wanted Rihanna on board with this project because she�s so young, so modern, and so iconic.

Rihanna adds, �I have always been a fan of the Gucci brand and the products, especially their handbags. But most of all, I�m very very intrigued by what they�re doing with UNICEF. As an artist, I feel like it�s our duty to make it a better place if we can. I�m blown away by what UNICEF has been able to accomplish in Africa with the money that Gucci has donated to them. I�m very fortunate to be part of this wonderful collaboration.�

25% of all handbag proceeds from the �Tattoo Heart Collection� will benefit UNICEF.

Check out the commercial below and the behind-the-scenes video on YouTube.

Source: jared

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