Tuesday, April 15, 2008

CHARICE PEMPENGCO Asked by His Father Not to Use His Last Name

Let’s start with the sad news: Henceforth, Charice will be known simply as Charice — not Charice Pempengco as she used to be — because her estranged father (and his family) have asked her to stop using that surname.

Well and good because, according to Charice, who’s turning 15 on May 10, the last time she saw her father, Ricky “P,” was 12 years ago. That was the time when Charice’s mom Raquel and Mr. “P” separated.

I haven’t been in good terms with him since then,” said Raquel, who has another child, Carl (13), by him. “I’ve always been a single mom.”

The good news is that, Charice announced during her surprise guesting on dzMM’s celebrity show that she is now recording a few songs before the release of her self-titled album.

The album will include two original songs titled “Born to Love You Forever” and “It Can Only Get Better” composed especially for her by Swedish song artists. It will also include a revival of Whitney Houston’s “And I’m Telling You.”

You guessed it: The album is titled simply Charice.

The name Charice sounds even better without Pempengco, doesn’t it?

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