Tuesday, May 3, 2011

�X-Men: First Class� in Philippine Theaters on June 2, 2011

2011�s most anticipated prequel �X-Men: First Class� strikes high in amperage as its opening approaches � June 2 in Philippine theaters!

�X-Men: First Class� refracts to the time when Charles Xavier aka Professor X who can control minds and Erik Lensherr aka Magneto who has the power to control magnetism are close friends who have started to discover their powers the first time. They began as closest of friends working together with other Mutants (some familiar, some new) to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. Made to work together in a forthcoming globally critical event, a rift between them ensued in the process. Thus began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN that puts an end to their friendship, marking the beginning of their lifelong rivalry.

Matthew Vaughn directs the movie from a screenplay by Bryan Singer where we meet the young subhumans with extraordinary powers that can both save and destroy the world. Rose Byrne also joins the powerful cast as Dr. Moira Mac Taggert. Meet some more of �X-Men: First Class�� extraordinary subhumans.

Sebastian Shaw played by Kevin Bacon is a force of incalculable evil who can absorb energy and re-channel it. A former Nazi collaborator whose early research altered the life of Erik Lensherr, he will stop at nothing to start a war to ensure that mutants inherit the earth.

Emma Frost played by January Jones is a telepath and close ally of Shaw. With an indestructible diamond-like skin, she can as well project her thoughts and will into another�s mind.

Raven aka Mystique played by Jennifer Lawrence is a close friend to Charles Xavier who is a metamorph - or shape-shifter - she can assume the form of any humanoid creature she chooses. The mutant teen works hard to lead a �normal� life and hide her gifts, but the battle between Xavier�s mutants and Shaw�s forces leads her on a different path.

Hank McCoy aka Beast played Nicholas Hoult (who beat Twilight�s Taylor Lautner to the role) is a brilliant scientist with only a few mutant features until a serum unexpectedly unlocked the superhuman Beast within.

Azazel played by Jason Flemyng can teleport by opening a portal into another dimension. He is a key player in Sebastian Shaw�s plans to make sure that mutants inherit the planet.

Armando Munoz aka Darwin played by Edi Gathegi can adapt to any situation or environment � when plunged underwater, he grows gills and gains night vision in the dead of the night.

Alex Summers aka Havok played by Lucas Till (who is best known opposite Miley Cyrus in Hannah Montana movie) is a fearless mutant who has the ability to absorb cosmic energy and discharge blasts from the energy. The handsome, athletic mutant has difficulty with his impressive powers, until Charles Xavier teaches him how to harness them.

Angel Salvadore aka Angel played by Zo� Kravitz is a beautiful ex-dancer who possesses a stunning tattoo of insect-like wings, which become actual wings growing from her back, giving her the gift of flight. Her arsenal is a deadly acid, which she projectile vomits in combat.

Sean Cassidy aka Banshee played by Caleb Landry Jones has unique sonic blasts that carry him into flight. Like other young mutants, Banshee�s powers reach their full potential only under Charles Xavier�s patient tutelage � and in a battle that will have global consequences.

Questad aka Riptide played by Alex Gonzales is also Sebastian Shaw�s closest ally, Riptide creates powerful whirlwinds that can demolish buildings � and challenge even the most powerful mutants.

�X-Men First Class� is a 20th Century Fox film to be distributed by Warner Bros. in Phil. cinemas.

- 20th Century Fox Press Statement

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