Monday, May 23, 2011

Sony Hackers Attack So-net Entertainment Corporation

An online intruders have once again compromised the security of a Sony-owned company.

So-net Entertainment Corp., an Japan-based internet service provider subsidiary of Sony Corp. said a hacker accessed its customer rewards site on May 16 and 17 and stole a redeemable gift points worth about $1,225 from 128 of the internet provider's users.

90 So-net email accounts were also compromised, though the company says that no personal data such as names, addresses, birth dates or phone numbers were viewed by those responsible. The accounts were reportedly compromised by a brute force attempt to guess login information; So-net stated it was tipped off when a single IP address tried to log on to the site 10,000 times.

The breach at So-net comes several days after Sony resumed service on its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment online videogame services after a data breach compromised the personal information tied to more than 100 million accounts.

However, Keisuke Watabe, a spokesman at So-net Entertainment says that the company believes the attack is probably not related to its parent company's recent PSN woes because the method of intrusion used was so different.

- WSJ via GameInformer

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