Monday, May 23, 2011

Causing Havok: Lucas Till in "X-Men: First Class"

In the original X-Men trilogy, the field leader of Professor X�s mutants was Scott Summers, aka Cyclops (James Marsden), who also appeared briefly in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. With �X-Men: First Class� taking place in 1962, though, Scott has yet to be born. So the heroic mantle will fall to another member of the powerful clan � his brother, Alex.

Like Scott, Alex � aka Havok � has the ability to project beams of destructive energy, albeit from his body and not his eyes. And like Scott, Alex has trouble controlling those beams � trouble that puts him in a very dark place when he first comes to the attention of X-Men founders Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender).

Alex is played by relative newcomer Lucas Till, a 20 year old American actor previously best known for roles in the likes of �The Spy Next Door� and �The Hannah Montana Movie.�

Riding and maneuvering one of the film�s most eagerly anticipated sets was the X-Jet, based on the XB-70, a prototype long-range, supersonic bomber developed in the U.S. in the late 1950s, the immense structure which measures some eighty feet in length is Havok�s ride in the movie which Till finds comfy. �You could fall asleep in that thing, even when you go upside down,� he says of the X-Jet set.

Stressing that Havok comes with a K and not a C, Till shares how his character found his way into the X-Men class, �In this movie, he�s found in confinement because he can�t control his powers and accidentally or intentionally has killed people. We leave that ambiguous. He�s a nice kid, but some things have happened and they haven�t been good. So he�s got a serious guard up in front, but he�s a hero on the inside.�

He�s the rebellious one. Definitely. And quiet. He�s a powder keg waiting to explode, metaphorically and literally. He�s always on the brink of destroying everything around him,� adds Till of his character�s temperament.

Till has a leading role in Battle: Los Angeles, and starred as young Jack Cash in the Oscar-winning film Walk the Line. Recently, Till guest-starred on the high profile primetime series, House, with Hugh Laurie.

�X-Men: First Class� opens June 2 (Thursday) in Philippine theaters from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. Visit 20th Century Fox (Philippines) on Facebook and on for promos and latest clips.

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