Puck is in Juvie for stealing an ATM machine so New Directions finally welcomes Sam as their newest member. Woot. He�s an interesting specimen with his Macaulay Culkin lips and Kurt is almost certain that he�s on Team Gay. Schue thinks it�s a good idea to welcome Sam to the club with a little competition. Pick a partner, sing a duet, win a gift certificate to a restaurant with never ending breadsticks. Hmm.
Kurt makes it his mission to partner up with Sam and determine what team he plays for. He�s rather blunt and forceful at first but that�s Kurt. It�s a problem he had with Finn last year and is still in denial about. Finn tries to reason with Kurt that it would scare Sam away from the club if Kurt is too outlandish with him. Not the nicest way of putting it and Kurt doesn�t want to hear it. He blasts Finn for being a homophobe and Finn finally outright says that Kurt�s problem is his denial over how he acts with other guys who aren�t interested. Gasp. Preach! Preach it Finn! At first, I�m kind of bummed because it obviously hasn�t gotten through to Kurt. But then Kurt�s dad takes Finn�s side! Yay! Oh yeah, and he�s alive! Long live Burt. He is laying it DOWN. After finding out what Kurt left out about his feelings for Finn, he calmly tries to get through to him. Take a number buddy.

Rachel and Finn practice for the competition with Don�t Go Breaking My Heart and they�re good. Too good to Rachel, who thinks that if they win yet again it will make Sam feel threatened. They want him to stick around to help them win Nationals so they agree to throw the competition by performing an offensive religious number. It�s really strange. Mercedes and Santana partner up and KILL IT when they perform River Deep, Mountain High. Personally, I thought they were the best of the night. But..can we talk about the really creepy laugh Schue made when they shook their butts? I wasn�t quite prepared when it cut to Santana and Brittany laying on a bed making out but I�m glad that�s finally been confirmed.
Brittany�s feelings for Santana are a little one sided and she hatches a plan. She wants to make Santana jealous, Artie wants to make Tina jealous, so the logical option would be for them to pair up. They go around letting everyone know that they�re dating which is a surprise to Tina who is having her own problems with Mike. They argue a lot and have no musical chemistry. Despite that, they do a cute performance of Sing! from Chorus Line, to poke fun at the fact that Mike is kept around for his dancing. Artie is less than thrilled at their great performance and tries to work with Brittany who kind of sucks. Artie finally admits he still loves Tina and Brittany doesn�t want to let him go just yet. In her mind, having sex with him is a good way to go. And they do. It�s the most awkward scene ever. But Brittany has sex with everybody, and it breaks Artie�s heart that it didn�t mean more to her that he lost his virginity to her. Poor Artie :( I love you.

Kurt gives up on being partners with Sam and tells him so..in the showers. Sigh. He then does a duet with himself, a song from Victor/Victoria complete with the costume. They really go all out for Kurt�s performances don�t they? Much more subdued and after much flirting, Sam and Quinn sing Lucky together. It�s acoustic and adorable and they win the whole thing. New couple alert. Rachel shows some rare compassion for Kurt and his loneliness and together they perform a stunning version of Get Happy.
What did you guys think of this episode? It was better than I was expecting. Sam is shirtless all the time and licking his lips like the Joker and that�s distracting but he�s growing on me. Finn and his weird girly sweater bewildered me for awhile. And Grease 2 is amazing, I don�t know what he�s thinking. I�m also hoping for Artie to get some storyline where he can prove himself as a good boyfriend. He�s still not getting it.
Source: Rickey
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