Monday, March 23, 2009

3rd Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) - List of Winners; Gina Pareno Wins Best Supporting Actress for Serbis

Here are the winners of the recently concluded 2009 Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF)awards night at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center:

Best Film: Tokyo Sonata (Japan, Hong Kong, and The Netherlands)

Best Director: Kore-Eda Hirokazu (Still Walking, Japan)

Best Actor: Motoki Masahiro (Departures, Japan)

Best Actress: Zhou Xun (The Equation of Love and Death, The Chinese Mainland)

Best Newcomer: Yu Shau-qun (Forever Enthralled, The Chinese Mainland)

Best Supporting Actor: Jung Woo-sun (The Good, The Bad, The Weird, South Korea)

Best Supporting Actress: Gina Pare�o (Service, Philippines)

Best Screenwriter: Kurosawa Kiyoshi, Max Mannix, and Tanaka Sachiko (Tokyo Sonata, Japan / Hong Kong / The Netherlands)

Best Cinematographer: Jola Dylewska (Tulpan, Germany/ Kazakhstan/ Poland/ Russia/ Switzerland )

Best Production Designer: Daniel Lee Yan-Kong (Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragons, The Chinese Mainland / Hong Kong / South Korea)

Best Composer: Hisaishi Joe (Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea, Japan)

Best Editor: Kim Sun-Min (The Chaser, South Korea)

Best Visual Effects: Craig Hayes (Red Cliff, The Chinese Mainland)

Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) aims to discover and recognize quality Asian films and supporting young film directors.

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